cover CV: Nguyễn Thị Dung

Nguyễn Thị Dung

Hồ sơ 5 sao vàng

Position Desired: Interpreter & Translator / Administrative Personnel / HSE Document Controller & Trainer

Giới tính : Nữ
Địa chỉ: Xóm Hải Nam, xã Diễn Bích, huyện Diễn Châu, tỉnh Nghệ An
Ngày sinh : 1993

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Kinh nghiệm làm việc

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Tiếng Anh (Giỏi), Tiếng Hàn (Trung bình)

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Giới thiệu bản thân Mô tả về bản thân, nêu các kỹ năng, năng lực, lợi thế và điểm còn hạn chế của bạn nếu có content ABOUT ME: o A highly motivated and goal oriented individual. Skill in public relations, communication; loyal; dependable and willing to do whatever is needed to meet the company’s goal. o Have a sense of humor and personal dedication to produce timely and costly effective result. o Also very flexible, friendly, kind, enthusiastic, active, creative, open minded, hard-working, caring and resourceful. SKILLS: • Computer literate (MS office excel, word, power point). • Highly Personable and can work under minimal supervision. • Ability to budget time, can perform under pressure, can adapt quickly, can follow instructions, and can do multi-tasking activities. • Ability to perform and complete assignments accurately and on time. • Have skills of Personnel recruitment. • Be good at persuading other people, solving problem. QUALIFICATIONS: o More than 2 years of abroad experience in Construction Interpreter & Translator and HSE Document Controller & Trainer. Work in international project Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project under high pressure in professional environment. o Be capable of executing forceful site implementation of relevant client policies and related activities for SKEC and its sub-contractors on a multi-national workforce project with stringent working conditions. o Have technical knowledge on construction, safety, and skills, experience of administrative personnel and Personnel recruitment. AFFILIATION & ACTIVITIES:  Member of Humanity Blood Donation club at AJC.  Taking part in volunteer activities of my class, academy, and other communities: visiting Vietnam friendship village, blood donation, helping the poor, protecting environment,...  Taking part in entertainment activities of academy on occasion of Women Day, Teacher’s Day,… CERTIFICATES:  2012: Good degree of “Professional press” course organized by Journalism Faculty of AJC.  May 2013: Good degree of “Lightening dream becoming a successful businessman” from Mac Viet company.  2014: Good degree at level academy of Researching students’ science topic on “The negative transfers of Vietnamese in the early stages of Studying English Translating Practice”.  24th June, 2015: Good degree of Bachelor in Foreign language from Academy of Journalism and Communication (AJC) (7.5/10) TRAININGS AND SEMINARS:  Conducted By: SK E&C  SKEC Conference Room, XePian XeNamnoy HPP  BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING o HSE Doctor & Trainer – Dr. Ae & Mr. Phone o 18 OCTORBER, 2015  DRIVING SAFETY TRAINING o HSE Doctor & Trainer – Mr. Huh o 22 January, 2016  WORKING AT HEIGHTS o HSE Trainer - Phacharapol charathan (Phon) o 25 April 2017  HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ROLE & RESPONSIBILITES o HSE Trainer - Phacharapol charathan (Phon) o 25 April 2017  HSE PROCEDURE o HSE Trainer – Andy L. Miraflor, Maurice S. Alejandro, Phacharapol charathan  Personal Protective Equipment Procedure: 01 July, 2015  Heavy Equipment Inspection: 20 December, 2016  Permit To Work Procedure & Risk Assessment: 16 February, 2017  HSE Training Procedure: 10 March, 2017  Hot Work Procedure: 21 April, 2017  Crane Lifting operation Procedure: 28 April, 2017  Scaffolding platform and Ladder Tagging Procedure: 30 May, 2017  HSE BASICAL REQUIREMENTS TRAINING o HSE Trainer – Phacharapol charathan o 01 July, 2015  FLAGMAN & SIGNALMAN TRAINING o HSE Trainer – Phacharapol charathan o 15 May, 2016 ACHIEVEMENT & APPRECIATION  Certificate of Appreciation – Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydroelectric Power Project (1Million Safe man hour)  Certificate of Appreciation – Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydroelectric Power Project (Monthly safety certification)  Certificate of Appreciation – Samwhan Corporation ("Good staff" certificate (To whom it confirms))  Certificate of Appreciation – Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydroelectric Power

Giới thiệu bản thân

ABOUT ME: o A highly motivated and goal oriented individual. Skill in public relations, communication; loyal; dependable and willing to do whatever is needed to meet the company’s goal. o Have a sense of humor and personal dedication to produce timely and costly effective result. o Also very flexible, friendly, kind, enthusiastic, active, creative, open minded, hard-working, caring and resourceful. SKILLS: • Computer literate (MS office excel, word, power point). • Highly Personable and can work under minimal supervision. • Ability to budget time, can perform under pressure, can adapt quickly, can follow instructions, and can do multi-tasking activities. • Ability to perform and complete assignments accurately and on time. • Have skills of Personnel recruitment. • Be good at persuading other people, solving problem. QUALIFICATIONS: o More than 2 years of abroad experience in Construction Interpreter & Translator and HSE Document Controller & Trainer. Work in international project Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project under high pressure in professional environment. o Be capable of executing forceful site implementation of relevant client policies and related activities for SKEC and its sub-contractors on a multi-national workforce project with stringent working conditions. o Have technical knowledge on construction, safety, and skills, experience of administrative personnel and Personnel recruitment. AFFILIATION & ACTIVITIES:  Member of Humanity Blood Donation club at AJC.  Taking part in volunteer activities of my class, academy, and other communities: visiting Vietnam friendship village, blood donation, helping the poor, protecting environment,...  Taking part in entertainment activities of academy on occasion of Women Day, Teacher’s Day,… CERTIFICATES:  2012: Good degree of “Professional press” course organized by Journalism Faculty of AJC.  May 2013: Good degree of “Lightening dream becoming a successful businessman” from Mac Viet company.  2014: Good degree at level academy of Researching students’ science topic on “The negative transfers of Vietnamese in the early stages of Studying English Translating Practice”.  24th June, 2015: Good degree of Bachelor in Foreign language from Academy of Journalism and Communication (AJC) (7.5/10) TRAININGS AND SEMINARS:  Conducted By: SK E&C  SKEC Conference Room, XePian XeNamnoy HPP  BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING o HSE Doctor & Trainer – Dr. Ae & Mr. Phone o 18 OCTORBER, 2015  DRIVING SAFETY TRAINING o HSE Doctor & Trainer – Mr. Huh o 22 January, 2016  WORKING AT HEIGHTS o HSE Trainer - Phacharapol charathan (Phon) o 25 April 2017  HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ROLE & RESPONSIBILITES o HSE Trainer - Phacharapol charathan (Phon) o 25 April 2017  HSE PROCEDURE o HSE Trainer – Andy L. Miraflor, Maurice S. Alejandro, Phacharapol charathan  Personal Protective Equipment Procedure: 01 July, 2015  Heavy Equipment Inspection: 20 December, 2016  Permit To Work Procedure & Risk Assessment: 16 February, 2017  HSE Training Procedure: 10 March, 2017  Hot Work Procedure: 21 April, 2017  Crane Lifting operation Procedure: 28 April, 2017  Scaffolding platform and Ladder Tagging Procedure: 30 May, 2017  HSE BASICAL REQUIREMENTS TRAINING o HSE Trainer – Phacharapol charathan o 01 July, 2015  FLAGMAN & SIGNALMAN TRAINING o HSE Trainer – Phacharapol charathan o 15 May, 2016 ACHIEVEMENT & APPRECIATION  Certificate of Appreciation – Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydroelectric Power Project (1Million Safe man hour)  Certificate of Appreciation – Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydroelectric Power Project (Monthly safety certification)  Certificate of Appreciation – Samwhan Corporation ("Good staff" certificate (To whom it confirms))  Certificate of Appreciation – Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydroelectric Power
Trình độ học vấn / chuyên môn Mô tả về quá trình học vấn/chuyên môn của bạn education Đại học - Chuyên ngành Biên dịch tiếng Anh

Trình độ học vấn / chuyên môn

Đại học - Chuyên ngành Biên dịch tiếng Anh
Kỹ năng Mô tả những kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm của bạn experience SKILLS: • Computer literate (MS office excel, word, power point). • Highly Personable and can work under minimal supervision. • Ability to budget time, can perform under pressure, can adapt quickly, can follow instructions, and can do multi-tasking activities. • Ability to perform and complete assignments accurately and on time. • Have skills of Personnel recruitment. • Be good at persuading other people, solving problem. • Sale skills, SEO skills and experiences.

Kỹ năng

SKILLS: • Computer literate (MS office excel, word, power point). • Highly Personable and can work under minimal supervision. • Ability to budget time, can perform under pressure, can adapt quickly, can follow instructions, and can do multi-tasking activities. • Ability to perform and complete assignments accurately and on time. • Have skills of Personnel recruitment. • Be good at persuading other people, solving problem. • Sale skills, SEO skills and experiences.
Kinh nghiệm làm việc Mô tả kinh nghiệm làm việc experience WORK EXPERIENCE: CURRENT EMPLOYER COMPANY : SK ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. Ltd PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : NOVEMBER 01, 2016 up to present ADDRESS : PAKSE District, Champasak Province, LAO PDR APPOINTMENT : HSE Document Controller & Trainer SUMMARY OF DUTIES o Managing day-to-day Document issues in the office. o Translating & editing English documents (signage, checklists (daily, weekly, monthly)), training presentations into Vietnamese in order to support HSE Supervisors and the training for employees of Vietnamese subcontractors. o Preparing HSE Training Presentations (Heavy Equipment Operator Role & Responsibilities, Driving Safety,…) and Conducting HSE Induction, Special Training, and Refresh Training courses to the workforce relevant to HSE issues. o Working as an interpreter to support other departments (E&M dept., planning dept.) when working with Vietnamese sub-contractors. o Working as an assistant of my HSE Manager, interpreter of head safety engineer during special trainings for Vietnamese subcontractors’ workforce. o Preparing daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual schedules, plans, reports, performance. o Preparing Toolbox Meeting (TBM) materials (daily and weekly TBM topic relevant to HSE procedure, management, attendance list). o Prepare meeting materials, attend the safety meeting and make minutes of meeting (MOM). o Make and update HSE SKEC & Subcontractors Organization Charts. o Provide adequate instruction, on-job-training and information to the workforce relevant to HSE issues. o Conducting investigation in the event of accident, near miss, dangerous occurrences or occupational disease. o Report to relevant authorizes in case of incident or accident. o Keeping and maintaining the HSE records and reporting. o Permit To Work authority. o Managing documents of manpower of SK and its subcontractors, including ID cards, personal information, health condition). o Monitoring official materials: provide and request if necessary. ACHIEVED SKILLS o Understand more about HSE management, HSE procedure & system. o Have skills and experiences of trainer. o Ability to work unsupervised. o Excellent interpersonal skills. o Good team working skill. PREVIOUS EMPLOYER COMPANY : SAMWHAN COPERATION (SWC) PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : JULY 20015 TO OCTOBER 2016 ADDRESS : PAKSE District, Champasak Province, LAO PDR APPOINTMENT : INTERPRETER & TRANSLATOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES o Assist Site Engineer, Site Manager, and Project Manager on the site and in the office with related works. o Work as site interpreter in the fields of construction and safety from English to Vietnamese and vice versa. o Support site manager, site engineer, foreman to resolve safety issues or any problem on the site related to works. o Attend Daily Toolbox Meeting & Risk Assessment discussion on the site. o Report to Project Manager about daily activities on the site. o Translating and editing official documents (contracts, daily and monthly reports,...) in the office. o Support company’s Vietnamese employees during training lessons conducted by SKEC HSE trainers: interpreting from English into Vietnamese. o Attending in the meetings, discussions and making partnerships with the owner, general contractor, and subcontractors of Thailand, Korea, China, Vietnam via email, cellphone or directly to discuss about related works and issues on the site. o Working as administrative personnel: making timekeeping sheet, salary timesheet, controlling manpower, doing payback work. ACHIEVED SKILLS o Ability to read shop drawing, understand construction method statement, safety. o Understand more about law, contract, office work,… o Ability to work unsupervised. o Good administrative skill and the ability to use email and booking systems. o Excellent interpersonal skills. o Good team working skill. PREVIOUS PART-TIME JOBS COMPANY : VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : MARCH, 20014 TO APRIL, 2015 ADDRESS : No. 5 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ha Noi APPOINTMENT : ENGLISH TRANSLATOR & EDITOR COLLABORATOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES o Writing English articles about technology, health, travel,… o Looking for, translating, editing national news (economy, culture, health,…) from English to Vietnamese. o Reading, producing content of news to videos showed on TV station of Vietnam news agency. ACHIEVED SKILLS o Ability to translate, edit news, videos and produce videos. o Good teamwork skills. o Ability to work unsupervised COMPANY : LUCKY HOTEL PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : MARCH, 20014 TO APRIL, 2015 ADDRESS : 69 Tran Duy Hung Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi APPOINTMENT : RECEPTIONIST o Interpreting from English to Vietnamese and vice versa with foreign guests. o Meeting, greeting and attending to the guests' needs o Be responsible for accurate and efficient accounts and guest billing processes. o Assisting in keeping the hotel reception area clean and tidy at all times. o Undertaking general office duties: correspondence, emails, filing and switchboard. o Administering all routes of reservations (eg, online, phone) o Keeping up to date with room prices and special offers to provide guests accurate information.

Kinh nghiệm làm việc

WORK EXPERIENCE: CURRENT EMPLOYER COMPANY : SK ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. Ltd PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : NOVEMBER 01, 2016 up to present ADDRESS : PAKSE District, Champasak Province, LAO PDR APPOINTMENT : HSE Document Controller & Trainer SUMMARY OF DUTIES o Managing day-to-day Document issues in the office. o Translating & editing English documents (signage, checklists (daily, weekly, monthly)), training presentations into Vietnamese in order to support HSE Supervisors and the training for employees of Vietnamese subcontractors. o Preparing HSE Training Presentations (Heavy Equipment Operator Role & Responsibilities, Driving Safety,…) and Conducting HSE Induction, Special Training, and Refresh Training courses to the workforce relevant to HSE issues. o Working as an interpreter to support other departments (E&M dept., planning dept.) when working with Vietnamese sub-contractors. o Working as an assistant of my HSE Manager, interpreter of head safety engineer during special trainings for Vietnamese subcontractors’ workforce. o Preparing daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual schedules, plans, reports, performance. o Preparing Toolbox Meeting (TBM) materials (daily and weekly TBM topic relevant to HSE procedure, management, attendance list). o Prepare meeting materials, attend the safety meeting and make minutes of meeting (MOM). o Make and update HSE SKEC & Subcontractors Organization Charts. o Provide adequate instruction, on-job-training and information to the workforce relevant to HSE issues. o Conducting investigation in the event of accident, near miss, dangerous occurrences or occupational disease. o Report to relevant authorizes in case of incident or accident. o Keeping and maintaining the HSE records and reporting. o Permit To Work authority. o Managing documents of manpower of SK and its subcontractors, including ID cards, personal information, health condition). o Monitoring official materials: provide and request if necessary. ACHIEVED SKILLS o Understand more about HSE management, HSE procedure & system. o Have skills and experiences of trainer. o Ability to work unsupervised. o Excellent interpersonal skills. o Good team working skill. PREVIOUS EMPLOYER COMPANY : SAMWHAN COPERATION (SWC) PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : JULY 20015 TO OCTOBER 2016 ADDRESS : PAKSE District, Champasak Province, LAO PDR APPOINTMENT : INTERPRETER & TRANSLATOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES o Assist Site Engineer, Site Manager, and Project Manager on the site and in the office with related works. o Work as site interpreter in the fields of construction and safety from English to Vietnamese and vice versa. o Support site manager, site engineer, foreman to resolve safety issues or any problem on the site related to works. o Attend Daily Toolbox Meeting & Risk Assessment discussion on the site. o Report to Project Manager about daily activities on the site. o Translating and editing official documents (contracts, daily and monthly reports,...) in the office. o Support company’s Vietnamese employees during training lessons conducted by SKEC HSE trainers: interpreting from English into Vietnamese. o Attending in the meetings, discussions and making partnerships with the owner, general contractor, and subcontractors of Thailand, Korea, China, Vietnam via email, cellphone or directly to discuss about related works and issues on the site. o Working as administrative personnel: making timekeeping sheet, salary timesheet, controlling manpower, doing payback work. ACHIEVED SKILLS o Ability to read shop drawing, understand construction method statement, safety. o Understand more about law, contract, office work,… o Ability to work unsupervised. o Good administrative skill and the ability to use email and booking systems. o Excellent interpersonal skills. o Good team working skill. PREVIOUS PART-TIME JOBS COMPANY : VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : MARCH, 20014 TO APRIL, 2015 ADDRESS : No. 5 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ha Noi APPOINTMENT : ENGLISH TRANSLATOR & EDITOR COLLABORATOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES o Writing English articles about technology, health, travel,… o Looking for, translating, editing national news (economy, culture, health,…) from English to Vietnamese. o Reading, producing content of news to videos showed on TV station of Vietnam news agency. ACHIEVED SKILLS o Ability to translate, edit news, videos and produce videos. o Good teamwork skills. o Ability to work unsupervised COMPANY : LUCKY HOTEL PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Hydro Electric Power Project DATE OF EMPLOYMENT : MARCH, 20014 TO APRIL, 2015 ADDRESS : 69 Tran Duy Hung Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi APPOINTMENT : RECEPTIONIST o Interpreting from English to Vietnamese and vice versa with foreign guests. o Meeting, greeting and attending to the guests' needs o Be responsible for accurate and efficient accounts and guest billing processes. o Assisting in keeping the hotel reception area clean and tidy at all times. o Undertaking general office duties: correspondence, emails, filing and switchboard. o Administering all routes of reservations (eg, online, phone) o Keeping up to date with room prices and special offers to provide guests accurate information.
Mong muốn về công việc Hãy nói cho nhà tuyển dụng biết những mong muốn của bạn về môi trường làm việc, vị trí công việc, địa điểm, thời gian và thu nhập... content2 OBJECTIVES: o To utilize and share my personal knowledge for the growth, development and interest of the company as well as advancement of my career. o Respect to work a long time with the company and become excellent staff, attribute to benefit the company. o Position Desired: Interpreter & Translator / Administrative Personnel / HSE Document Controller & Trainer o Job location: Hanoi, Bac Ninh o Time starts working: November 2017 o Salary: 400$ - 600$

Mong muốn về công việc

OBJECTIVES: o To utilize and share my personal knowledge for the growth, development and interest of the company as well as advancement of my career. o Respect to work a long time with the company and become excellent staff, attribute to benefit the company. o Position Desired: Interpreter & Translator / Administrative Personnel / HSE Document Controller & Trainer o Job location: Hanoi, Bac Ninh o Time starts working: November 2017 o Salary: 400$ - 600$


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